• Halaman Habitat

    📍Holečkova 777/39, Smíchov

    🕗 On Appointment

    Google Maps 
  • La Paisanita Dejvice

    📍Kyjevská 1, Praha 6

    🕗 Sun-Wed 10–23

    🕗 Thu-Sat 11–23

    Google Maps 

    📍Vlkova 36, Praha 3

    🕗 Mon-Fri 8:30–22

    Google Maps 
  • Place Store Tábor

    📍Pražská 5, Tábor

    🕗 Mon-Sat 10-18

    🕗 Sun 10-16

    Google Maps 
  • Place Store České Budějovice

    📍Česká 41, České Budějovice

    🕗 Mon-Fri 10-18

    🕗 Sat 8-12

    Google Maps 

Want to become our partner and sell our terrariums in your physical store? Contact us on halamanhabitat@gmail.com